Baylor Homecoming 2010
Brandon, Brooke and I went down for our 2nd annual Baylor homecoming as a family! We decided to watch the parade in Downtown Waco this year. It was fun to watch it here because we met up with our friends the Willis’s and Nelson’s, but I sure did miss the feel of being on campus. Brooke loved the parade. Her favorite parts were the band and the candy they threw to her. She would wave to all the people in hopes of getting candy, it was so cute! The weather was great for the parade till the end when it started to rain.

After the parade we did some shopping, picked up food from Viteks BBQ and made our way to the Normand tailgate party. After hanging out and playing some catch with Brooke, Brandon and Bubba we went to the game.
The game started on time and then got delayed for 2 hours. Brooke, Jamie, Sadie, Kay and I decided we would go back to the car and wait the storm out, only we didn’t quite make it. We got half way there and got soaking wet. The others stayed at the stadium and get even more wet than we did. I decided to go back in with Brooke after the storm had passed to meet back up with Brandon and everyone else. Once I got back in the weather then became cold and I had to go wait in a 45 minute line to buy Brooke a sweatshirt and blanket. Needless to say after all this waiting, getting rained on, waiting in long lines, we still had fun. We didn’t stay for the whole thing because we were still wet and getting colder. So we left, went to buy new clothes for us and then hung out at the hotel with the Willis’s and Nelsons. Baylor beat Kansas State and now is ranked and number 1 in the big 12 south. We ended the night by eating Fazoli’s and driving back home! SIC em BEARS!
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