We love going to Ice and have gone the past few years. This year they had Charlie Brown as their theme. It was so cute and we had a blast. Brooke, Nana, Grandma and I rode together and first went to downtown grapevine to look in a few shops. After that we went to the Gaylord and met Brandon. We walked around the hotel, got our tickets for ICE and waited for Grandpa to show up. Once he got there we had dinner then went to go see ICE. Brooke looked so cute in her huge blue jacket they gave her. She loved touching the ice and going down the slide. She kept turning while going down the slide, so she either came down backwards, on her back or on her stomach, she LOVED it though. We love ICE and this year was even more fun since Brooke really got to explore on her own and go down the slide by herself.

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