Party – Minnie and Mickey Style
We had Brooke’s 2nd birthday party today at our house. She loved going to Disney World so I thought a Mickey and Minnie themed party would be fun and one she would love. She got to dress up like Minnie for her party and wore her Mickey ears so she was excited and of course so cute! I made a lot of themed items for her party such as Mickey shaped rice crispy treats, Mickey and Minnie gift bags, Mickey shaped sandwiches and a personalized Minnie banner. We borrowed my moms blow up jump house for the kids to enjoy in the backyard and that turned out to be a hit. Brooke got lots of great gifts which she loved to open, she even found it faster to dump the bags upside down to get the gifts out faster on her own. Thanks to everyone who came and made this party such a great hit for Brooke, we are truly blessed by our family and friends.

She figured this out on her own, turning it over and dumping the present out is much faster. Such a smart girl!
awww…. I used to make Mickey pancakes for my kids when they were little. Fun times.