Breakfast with Charlie Brown
Brandon was out of town for a few days to go to his brothers graduation in Iowa, so my mom and I decided take Brooke to the Gaylord Texan to spend the night and then have breakfast with Charlie Brown. I had never stayed the night at the Gaylord so I was excited!!! We got there Friday afternoon and just explored the hotel. Later we had dinner at their Mexican restaurant, which was pretty darn tasty! After dinner we had to get these gigantic cookies from the bakery. I don’t think any of us even finished 1/4 of our cookie. We did a little more exploring and then made our way to the room to just hang out and relax. The next morning we got up, well Brooke got up at 3:15 wanting me to sing Jingle Bells to her, but I told her it was time to sleep not sing. So back to bed she went and we all got up at 7:30 to go have breakfast. I made Brooke a plate and then Charlie Brown was out to greet us first! Brooke loved him so much, and Charlie was excited to see her too!!! You were only suppose to see him once but Charlie Brown came to our table twice and she got to sit on the bench with him for another picture!

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