Our Home For The Holidays
I just LOVE decorating our home for Christmas. It makes it feel so warm and cozy. I always have our tree lights, garland and any other lights we have around the house on all the time if we are at home. We didn’t have a Christmas party this year for all to see our home so I wanted you to be able to have a peek into our home. I hope you can see the joy and warmth that it gives us! Merry Christmas to you all and God Bless!!! COME ON IN!!!!

I wanted a creative way to show case our Christmas cards we received, so I hung them with clothes pins on Christmas trees in our entry hall way.

I have a lot more little details and decorations around our house I would love to show, but I think this post is long enough! I hope you enjoyed a peek into our home. Again, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our King!!!
So Christmas-y! I still love the ornaments hanging from the ceiling. What does Brooke think about all of it?
Your home looks lovely! Thanks for giving us a peek!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!