Children’s Museum
Our next stop on our mini vacation was Austin, Texas. We planned on going to the zoo, but again since it was cold and sprinkling we turned to our back up plan – Austin’s Children’s Museum. I never know about museums, they can be a HIT or they can be a complete failure. This museum however was a hit. It was perfect for Brooke’s age and had so much hands on things for her age kids to play and explore. The had a area where you could send milk bottles through tubes to play recycle, pack them in a basket and send them down a shoot. It was so fun. Brooke loved catching the bottles that feel from the tube as my mom and Nana sent them to her. Also in this area was a grocery store, kitchen, vet clinic, milking area, bat hang area and train area. I think this was the best part of the whole place. Brooke stayed in here for quite some time and just played. It was great for imagination and just play time in general. Whenever we go back to Austin I would not mind going back to this place, it was very fun!

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