Boo Boo Owl
When I was growing up, I had a boo boo bunny. This bunny was only a cold one though. My mom would use a sock filled with rice or corn for a warm pack. I wanted to make something for Brooke that would go either hot or cold. I drew the pattern, cut out the pieces, sewed all the pieces together then filled it with rice. You can either place it in the freezer for a cold pack or in the microwave for a hot/warm pack! It is so cute and Brooke just loves to play with it, even if she doesn’t have a boo boo! I sure do hope this boo boo owl makes her feel better!

Cotton fabric scraps for the front of the owl
Flannel for the back of the owl
Felt for the eyes and beak
Interfacing, used for the front of the chick only
Wonder under for the eyes, wings, beak and belly
1. Cut out front and back of owl
2. Iron on interfacing to the front of the body. I used fusible fleece.
3. cut wonder under to pattern of the wings, eyes, beak and belly and iron on to the front of the owl.
4. Sew around the wings, eyes, beak and belly
5. Sew front and back together, leaving a 1/4 inch seam or so at the bottom
6. Turn owl right side out
7. Fill with rice
8. Stitch up the bottom of the owl
That owl is stinking adorable!