Brooke’s New Bed
Well, Brooke has been in a crib till last night. I decided that it was time to move her up to a big girl bed. She has done great in her crib, never tried to get out, so I guess that’s why I kept her in it for so long. I figured since it was summer time and she is 2 and 1/2 now, it was time for her.
She was so excited when we told her she was getting a big girl bed. Daddy took the crib down, put together her new bed and she loved it. Brandon and Brooke made the bed, she crawled right in, asked to be covered up then for some milk and she was out. She slept the whole night in her bed and never got out, I was impressed! I thought for sure she would get out and play with all her toys in her room, but she proved me wrong!
Brandon thought I would cry when we took down the crib, but I didn’t. I think the only reason I didn’t is because I have been thinking about getting and moving her into a big girl bed for a couple of months. It was kinda sad to see the crib go because then you really realize you don’t have a baby anymore. But, I am excited for her and this stage of her life. I love each and everyday and wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Awww…. what a special moment.