Letter H
This week have been practicing the letter H. She actually knows most all the letters and their sound, but I love to do activities with her to practice those skills and others. We work on fine motor skills, matching, drawing, coloring and just having fun. She loves getting her hands dirty with paint so I knew we would be painting with our hands. We also drew our hands and worked on Big and Little and glued hearts on the letter H. I have also been trying to teach her to color in the lines, but she thinks its funny to color outside the lines and all over, this week we colored a house. Even though she doesn’t color perfectly, I have managed to teach her to hold her crayon right, I was excited about this! She also dressed up as a Hero. She loves that this costume has a cape!

Love these pics!! Her hair is getting so long and she is looking like such a big girl!!!! Miss you guys!