
Right after Halloween last year, Brooke asked to be Yoda for Halloween. I thought this would be so funny and since we would be having a little boy named Luke this would be perfect. I would dress him as Luke Sky-walker and they would be so cute together. The more I thought about it, I decided Luke needed to be something cute and cuddly. Luke Sky-walker really sin’t that so an Ewok is what Luke would be. I usually make both of them several weeks before Halloween, but this year they got done the day before. Al least they got done! They turned out great and they looked so cute!!

That day we went up to Brandon’s office to decorate pumpkins and eat lunch. Brooke loves to go up to her Daddy’s work, and frankly I do too! I love seeing him during the day and I like to visit all his co-workers. He truly has amazing co-workers that I enjoy talking to and hanging out with!

Later that night, we had some friends and family over for our annual Halloween party. The kids had a blast playing together and seeing each other dressed up in costumes! We of course had great food and this year my mom brought a pinata for the kids. They had a blast and got LOTS of candy! One piece dropped out of it and Brooke dove for it, like it was the only piece in there! It cracked me up!!!

Brandon, Bubba, Ben and Andy had a great time scaring the kids! I think everyone else enjoys standing at the end of the sidewalk watching the kids and adults, yes adults get scared! We had a great time hanging out with our friends and making wonderful memories!!!

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