State Fair of Texas
Every year Brandon and I go to the State Fair of Texas. This year we were even more excited about going since we had Brooke to take along with us, Nana also joined us this year. Although fried butter was the hot item this year we decided to pass on it and stuck with corny dogs, nachos, foot long hot dog and fried chicken. Brooke really enjoyed the petting zoo and some of the animals seemed to enjoy her. We went to the pig races and sadly our color section pig never won. Brooke clapped anyways. It was so cute. We made our way, I mean pushed our way through the midway and looked at all the rides. It was so very crowded so we didn’t stay there for long. I think the best thing of the fair this year was the VITA MIX I got. Every year at the fair Brandon and I watch the demonstration of this machine and I droll about getting one every time, just never do. BUT, this year, I GOT ONE!!! Brooke got a cute name puzzle. I had one of these growing up, so I thought Brooke had to have one too. We had a great time, Brooke was exhausted when we got to the truck to leave, and so was everyone else. Yeah for the State Fair of Texas.
I've been wondering how the fried butter was. I think you were smart to pass it up. Let me know how the Vita Mix works out.