Brooke’s 8th Birthday Party | GLOW
When I asked Brooke what kind of Birthday Party she wanted for her 8th birthday there were a few ideas. I then came up with a glow in the dark party. She loved that idea and so we went with that. It was so much fun to plan this birthday party and I think it turned out so well and it was so much fun! Brandon, the kids and I made tye dye glow shirts for us 4 to wear to Brookes party! We had the party at our church in the children’s room, because there aren’t any windows in that room so this was the perfect spot to “black out.” We then borrowed a bunch of black light fixtures and bulbs from Allison’s church. Brandon and I hung those from the rafters at our church earlier that afternoon. Once the black lights were hung it was then time to start taping! We taped the gaga pit, the basketball goals, the basketball games, the basketballs, the steps, we made a 4 square and a hopscotch. We also had glow in the dark ring toss, face painting, a place to make glow in the dark bracelets, and a table full of glow sticks, necklaces, ears, glasses, rings and bracelets! The party looked great and was so much fun!
When the kids got there their faces lite up, they were so excited and could not wait to play and get glow in the dark items! The kids stayed busy playing pretty much the whole time, other than when we ate dinner and had cake and opened birthday presents! Brooke loved her party and to be honest so did I! It was such a fun party and we loved celebrating Brooke turning 8!
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