January 2, 2009
1 Month Dr. Apt.
Brooke had her one month Dr. appointment on the 2nd. She now weighs 9lbs and 9oz. We were looking forward to seeing what her weight gain was. She also grew length wise and is 22 1/4 inches long. She is in the 90th percentile for her height, so we are thinking the WNBA for her, hahaha. This doctor’s visit we were in the turtle room, it so fun to get themed rooms. Also at this visit the doctor gave me props for doing tummy time because he said her head looks Great, I was excited!!!
TUMMY TIME!!! I’M TYPING IN ALL CAPS! CONGRATULATIONS ON HAVING THE BABY! Browning came and ate with us last week and said you had the baby. I looked up “tummy time” because i didn’t know what it was… pretty neat stuff. Congrats.