The kids rooms!

We are moving soon and I wanted to take pictures of the kids in their rooms. I know they are just rooms but this is where they have grown up so far.

Where Brooke hit her mouth on the bed and we had to make our first emergency dentist trip, where we have played many of games,read stories, prayed together and just snuggled.

This girl loves jumping on beds!

This girl loves jumping on beds!

Brooke and Bunny. This is the bunny my dad got me when I was a little girl!

Brooke and Bunny. This is the bunny my dad got me when I was a little girl!



This was Luke’s first room. Where he first went rested after moving out of Mommy and Daddy’s room, where he would take naps, where he and Brooke would play together.



These rooms have such sweet memories and I wanted to capture my kids in their rooms before things got boxed up and looked different. I loved our first family home and all the memories we made there. Leaving is bitter sweet, but we are excited about our new house and the memories we will make there!

1 Comment

Gerry Puglisi
September 16, 2013 at 2:24 pm | Link

Great idea to capture these photos and they will help the kids remember the “old house”. Can’t wait to see the new one!

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