It’s a GIRL!

When I was 18 weeks we got to go in to see the doctor and have a really long sonogram to look at our baby. We found out that we are having a girl, the whole sonogram was put on a dvd, which was very cool. That night we had my mom and Brandon’s parents over to watch the sonogram. This is the day we also changed her name. When we got home we decided to chnage it to our other choice which is Brooke Marie Jean Krauska. Brooke is after my dad whose name was Brooks. Her middle names come from both grandmas. Marie being being my moms middle name and Jean being Brandon’s mom middle name. I love her name and seems to fit her very well. She was very wiggley during the sonogram which was so fun to see, Brandon said she took after me. So we might have a wild one on our hands….we will have to see!

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