October 9, 2010
State Fair of Texas
Today we went to the State Fair. I love the state fair and was looking forward to it more this year since Brooke was older and would enjoy it more. We shopped and looked at the cars first then of course ate some food, went to the petting zoo and then our last stop was the midway to see Mr. Kyle and the rides all lite up. Brooke loved the petting zoo and was so brave. She wanted to pet every animal and feed every animal. If the animal didn’t eat it out of her hand or the cup, she would throw it on the floor for them to eat later. Brandon and I wonder if we have a future vet on our hands. We had such a great time. Here is our picture from the state fair!

October 11, 2010 at 8:07 pm | Link
Looks like you had a fantastic time! I love Brooke’s little pig tails. Adorable!
Y’all are such a cute family. She looks like her daddy! I love the pic of her pretending to be big Tex.