Arkansas Camping Trip
This weekend Brandon, Brooke and I went to the Petit Jean National Park in Arkansas. We all love camping and we wanted to try it out in Arkansas to see if the falls colors there were better. There were some fall colors once we arrived but not as much as either of us had hoped for. Brooke did a great job int he car. We packed a few toys and snacks so that kept her entertained. Brandon and I also had to sing to her, per her request. Once we got there, we set up camp and began cooking hot dogs and s’mores. We went to bed early and slept in till 8:30. We all had not slept in, in quite some time so this was nice. Saturday morning we woke up to 33 degree weather. I loved it being cold outside, the fire was so nice to sit by. Brandon cooked us a big breakfast that mornign then we went for a hike and played on the playground. Once we got back we all took a nap then woke up to cook a awesome steak dinner. For dessert we made a peach cobbler in the dutch oven, so yummy. Sunday we woke up, cooked some breakfast, then packed up and headed home. We had such a great time camping. Even though it got pretty chilly we all had a blast.

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