Day with Mommy
Since I was off for 2 weeks for Christmas break, I wanted to have a day where Brooke and I went and did something fun together, just her and I. I decided to take her back to the Dallas World Aquarium. She hadn’t been since she was a baby, so I knew it wasn’t anything she would remember. She loves animals and loves exploring so I was excited to take her here. I decided to not take the stroller and just have her walk or carry her from time to time. This ended up working out awesome, I loved being the mom without the large stroller trying to get through the crowd! Brooke wasn’t too sure about the large aquariums you could walk up to until I reassured here there was glass, funny kid. Every animal she would see, she would say hi and then blow it a kiss when we decided to move on to the next exhibit. She did great without a stroller and walked most of the time while we were there. I had a blast on our mommy daughter date, thanks Brooke for being Mommy’s special date today, I love you!

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