
Today my friend Leah asked me if Brooke and I wanted to join her and her son Wyatt to a circus tonight. Brooke loves animals and she had won free tickets for kids, so we joined them!

The circus was small, set up in a tent on the side of the road in a small town. Even though it wasn’t your over the top circus, it was fun and nice to hang out with some friends!

Brooke and Wyatt really enjoyed seeing the Elephants and Camels before the show. You could purchase tickets to ride them, but we opted out. My reasons are many!

Once the show started, the tigers were the first act. Brooke enjoyed these and watched them intently. A few acts later were the elephants then some dogs. About an hour or so had passed and Brooke was now getting to the point where she didn’t want to stay still any longer. This was my cue that it was time to leave. We left shorty before intermission, but I felt like we saw the important parts of the show, the elephants and the tigers.

Thanks Leah and Wyatt for inviting us along to the Circus, we had a great time! I didn’t take very many pictures, but the ones I did capture I think are cute!

The elephant before the show, Yes it was this close and No I did not have a zoom lens.

Checking out the camel.

Wyatt and Brooke looking at the Camels.

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