Dallas Mavericks
One of our friend emailed me on Friday asking if I wanted free Dallas Maverick tickets but I had to fill all 28 seats to get the tickets. I immediately said yes and began my mission to find 28 people to go with us to the Mavs game. The first 20-24 tickets were easy to fill but the last 4 were a little harder. It all worked out and I had the list of all 28 people by 2pm on Saturday.
I was worried about all 28 people showing up on time since pretty much none of them had anything in common other than knowing Brandon and I. Everyone got there on time and we had such a great time. Eight out of the 28 people had to sit in another section but even still it was fun.
The Mavs won and we had a wonderful time watching the game and hanging out with our friends. Brooke loved the game and was passed around to almost everyone in our group. She loved cheering for the Mavs and clapping her folded up paper clapper. She amazes me at how she keeps on beat with the cheers/chants!
Thanks to all who came with us, we are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends! Just a side note: the pictures are from our phone, we decided not to carry our nice camera with us, so the pictures wont be as good as they typically are!

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