Brooke is 2 and 1/2

Today Brooke is 2 and a half years old. I can’t believe how fast time has gone and also how big she is! I love my little girl so much and am blessed by her each day! She is so smart and makes Brandon and I laugh and smile everyday. She amazes us both on how much she says, understands and picks up on things.

Mommy and Daddy love you very much and we are so proud of you. You are doing wonderful at potty training and you get so excited that we are excited for you. You love making mommy and daddy happy. Mommy and Daddy think you are so smart and you capture our hearts each and every day. You are such a joy in our life and we are truly blessed to be your parents! Your smile, your laugh, your hugs and your kisses mean the world to us. We love watching you grow and today you have grown into a beautiful 2 and 1/2 year old. Here are some things you love and things we love about you!

You love looking at books and having them read to you.
You love Family hugs and family sandwiches!
You love singing (your favorite song right now is The Alphabet or Old McDonald)
You love being outside and playing
You absolutely love animals, horses right now are your favorite
You love to play pretend, you have such a good imagination
You love to be rocked to sleep for nap time
You love your blue blanket and bunny
You love to be bossy, even though it does get you in trouble at times
You love watching movies! Tangled, Toy Story and Finding Nemo are at the top of that list
You love to repeat what mommy and daddy have said
You love to go fishing!
You love to name your colors, shapes and letters
You love to get messy, by playing in paint, dirt, grass and water
You love to have milk before bedtime, well really anytime!
You love french fries, we know you are daddy’s daughter!
You are loved by so many people but especially by Mommy and Daddy!


June 1, 2011 at 10:31 am | Link

LOVE the pictures – she is so so cute and smart – but then I might be
a bit prejudice but she really is so so cute and smart!!!
Love all of you lots – Nana

June 1, 2011 at 2:31 pm | Link

Love the pics too! She is such an incredible little girl! I feel blessed to get to watch her grow up!!!

Love you guys,
Rachel 🙂

June 1, 2011 at 9:38 pm | Link

Oh goodness those are cute!! I miss her!

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