Brooke’s Color House

Brooke got a color me playhouse for Christmas from Mimi (Best Friends Mom). I have kept it in it’s box since then to open one day for a full days enjoyment. Today was that day and Brooke LOVES it! She colored on it some but had more fun just being inside her house.

She loved to bring her toys inside the house and also loved for the dogs to come into her house. The dogs weren’t too sure about it and would run out pretty much as soon as they got in. I made her some mail to drop in the mailbox. It was too cute not to. The mail box actually has a slit, so you can drop mail into the house. Brooke loved this too and wanted me to deliver the mail over and over.

We had a fun day in her color me playhouse. Thanks Mimi for a great gift!

Peek A Boo!

Coloring the house.

getting her mail, even though i was just trying to take a picture

Her mail from Mommy!

Reading her mail.

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