Luke Anthony Krauska
Today is the big day when Luke would arrive!!! My c-section was scheduled for 10:30 and I thought for sure everyone would be running late. This process however was fast and right on time! When we arrived, I checked in and then was put in a preparation room. I wasn’t in here for very long before they were wheeling me back to the OR. The juice they make you drink to not throw up made me sick again, just as it did with Brooke, and I threw up before surgery.The epidural made me have the shakes in my upper body but once they gave me some medicine for that those chilled out!
During the surgery, Brandon had to run out to get the other camera because the camera he took with him was messing up. The doctors slowed down and Brandon was quick so he missed nothing! Luke arrived at 10:41am. When my doctor pulled him out she said “Autumn, he looks just like you.” I was so excited to see him. She said he had a good grip because he grabbed her coat right when she took him out. Then she said he is a big boy, I bet he is over 9 lbs. I thought she was kidding till they said he weighed 9lbs. I was shocked, but so happy to have a healthy baby boy!

The surgery went well, and I couldn’t wait to put my eyes and hands on my sweet new little bundle of joy. Once we got back to the preparation room, Brandon went out and told them how much he weighed and they we were both good. He brought Brooke back first to meet Luke and she was in love. She liked his little tongue and wanted to hold him immediately. After a few minutes of holding him she said “he needs his momma.” So was so excited about her new baby brother.
After Brooke was introduced the rest of our family and friends came back to meet Luke. Everyone was so thrilled to finally meet and hold him. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends to be here with us during this time.

Congratulations! Welcome Luke to the world and your wonderful loving family!