Rodeo Parade 2014

My mom always loves having us come to Windsor and sit in front of the shop to watch the Rodeo Parade. We got there early but stayed inside till the parade started because it was quite chilly outside. Luke really liked getting out of his seat to dance and clap when the bands came by, or if floats were playing music. They both did a lot of waving and got lots of candy. Our friend Rikki, came with us and this was her first Rodeo Parade! If people were walking by giving out candy, she would yell “we like candy!” Those people would then, always make sure my kids and her got some candy! She was cracking me up!

Brooke really seemed to like the parade and even after the parade was over and regular cars started to drive down the street again, Brooke stayed in her seat and waved to them too. It was so cute! The kids had a blast and Nana’s shop is a great place to watch the parade!








Standing in the street waiting for the next people! He was loving the parade!

Standing in the street waiting for the next people! He was loving the parade!

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